Energy Public Relations Digital + Social Media

The BTB: September Energy Media Trends Analysis

By Candice Eng

Welcome to the Energy BTB – your view into what’s driving the conversation in the energy industry. This proprietary look at traditional and social media landscapes comprises data from a treasure trove of tools and expert analysis from INK’s energy team. We pull from mainstream media, trade media, and social media from the previous month to determine who is talking, what they’re talking about, and why.

In our previous Energy BTB, we discussed how political news and the U.S. presidential election were dominating energy conversations, and we are seeing that trend continue. National energy reporters shared that they had narrow windows to push energy stories through the election noise. However, insights, education, and thought leadership around policies and policy impacts were still valuable ways to contribute to the discussion.

Download our new report for a deep dive into last month’s energy industry conversations.

Terms We’re Watching by Topic

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