INK Communications
Austin, Texas

INK is a full-service marketing communications agency for tech and energy companies with offices in Austin and Denver and team members across the U.S. We combine public relations, content, digital, creative, analytics, and research to create flexible and scalable programs that help our clients elevate their stories and drive business growth.

Let's work together

Austin PR Agency
for B2B Tech + Energy

INK grew up in and alongside Austin’s tech- and taco-fueled economy. Founders Starr Million Baker and Kari Hernandez met while working on PR programs for Austin-based tech companies taking root in the early 2000s. The entrepreneurial spirit and irreverent attitude prevalent in Austin influenced their decision to strike out on their own with INK.

Fast forward to present day, INK serves two major Texas industries with clients and employees throughout the state. We’ve been recognized as one of Austin’s Best Places to Work by the ABJ multiple times over and one of the Top Women-Owned Businesses in the city. And we’re dang proud of it.

Our Programs Evolve
To Maximize Impact

Market, Audience, + Brand Intelligence
Where Comms Opportunities + Business Goals Intersect
Digital +
Creative +
Research +
Analyze Results + Hone Strategy

Energy + B2B Tech
Marketing in Austin

Austin’s casual, friendly, creative lifestyle pervades INK’s culture across our workforce. We work hard for our fast-growing clients throughout Texas but have fun in the process. Game-changing ideas don’t just come from the top, so we foster a collaborative leadership style that empowers people at all career stages.

Deep Expertise
Where You Need It

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B2B Tech Communications

We keep B2B technology companies out ahead and differentiated in competitive markets with targeted multichannel programs.

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Energy Communications

We help energy companies of all sizes confidently navigate the energy transition with proven communications strategies.

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Our Austin-Based

INK believed in the value of remote work long before it was a necessity. Now, we’re a remote-first workplace for good. Despite being spread out across the state and country, we operate as a single team. And no matter our clients’ locations (or ours), we work as an extension of their team. Meet some of our leaders based in Austin.

Kari Hernandez CSO + Co-founder
Kari Hernandez
Kari Hernandez CSO + Co-founder

Kari Hernandez

Kari Hernandez

CSO + Co-founder

Kari Hernandez brings entrepreneurial thinking to her clients and teams, uncovering opportunities in unexpected places and quickly moving ideas to action. Building on twenty years of experience in marketing communications for B2B technology companies, Kari is constantly innovating new and more strategic ways to serve INK’s clients. Her commitment to growth and innovation landed her on PR News’ 2019 Top Women in PR list and helped INK earn its place on the Inc. 5000 and as a Best Place to Work in Austin and Denver.

Blair Poloskey Principal + Partner
Blair Poloskey
Blair Poloskey Principal + Partner

Blair Poloskey

Blair Poloskey

Principal + Partner

Blair Poloskey solves problems. From storytelling to digital spend and back to general account management, she finds solutions for her clients and executes on them quickly and efficiently. Over the past 15+ years, Blair has developed a love for and deep understanding of B2B technology communications. In 2006, Blair took the reins of INK’s digital and social program. She has spoken at CES, SXSW, and several other digital focused conferences highlighting best practices and opportunities for B2B brands on social.

Caitlin New VP, Comms
Caitlin New
Caitlin New VP, Comms

Caitlin New

Caitlin New

VP, Comms

Caitlin New is on a mission to inspire creative solutions for clients that want to move beyond the routine and welcome bold, new paths in their marketing and communications programs. Through her skill for building strong client relationships and passion for understanding her clients’ businesses, Caitlin leads teams to create communications programs that are built on trust and have real impact. Caitlin has deep experience in technology communications and has promoted innovation in the payments, retail, cybersecurity, insurance, and real estate industries. Caitlin’s ability to motivate self and teams led to her earning an Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) from the Public Relations Society of America, as well as her team securing a PR Daily Digital PR and Social Media Award.

Kim Mackley VP, Content + Strategy
Kim Mackley
Kim Mackley VP, Content + Strategy

Kim Mackley

Kim Mackley

VP, Content + Strategy

Kim Mackley specializes in strategic content planning and marketing research, leveraging over 20 years of experience in communications and project management. Kim leads INK’s incredible team of writers who aren’t at all competitive and never give her a hard time. She applies a unique point of view and sense of humor to every problem, asking questions no one else asks to find a balanced pragmatic, creative solution. Kim specializes in audience discovery and messaging as well as research to uncover insights worth sharing. She is a proud Buckeye with a BA in journalism from The Ohio State University and an MA in liberal arts from the University of Pennsylvania.

Traci Mazurek VP, Digital
Traci Mazurek
Traci Mazurek VP, Digital

Traci Mazurek

Traci Mazurek

VP, Digital

Traci Koller Mazurek is passionate about building data-driven social and digital programs that connect businesses with the people they care about most. With experience leading B2B and B2C accounts and digital strategy across industries including agriculture, consumer goods, and real estate at INK, she previously led social strategy for clients at Spredfast and R/GA. Traci is a LinkedIn Certified Marketing Insider and Pinterest Certified Media Buyer. She is a native Dallasite who graduated from Baylor University, began her career in public relations with Edelman and FleishmanHillard in New York City, and now lives in Austin with her husband and daughter.

Kersa Haughey Director, Marketing and Business Development
Kersa Haughey
Kersa Haughey Director, Marketing and Business Development

Kersa Haughey

Kersa Haughey

Director, Marketing and Business Development

Kersa Haughey is a fervent organizer. She combines top-notch management skillsets with a grounded sense of curiosity to deliver marketing insights, communications strategy, and media relations that work. Her experience spans wireless technology, cloud services, consumer brands, and energy for clients large and small. Kersa graduated from Trinity University with a BBA in marketing and a new home state. She loves her Seattle roots and Texas life.

Paige Buescher Director, Content
Paige Buescher
Paige Buescher Director, Content

Paige Buescher

Paige Buescher

Director, Content

Paige Buescher brings creativity, thoughtfulness, and inquisitiveness to her work every day. Her need for knowledge drives her to absorb complex concepts and broad perspectives to create unique and impactful content for INK’s clients. Previously, she worked in politics with large corporations and national trade associations to craft their messages and communications to achieve their legislative initiatives. Paige grew up in Oklahoma City and graduated with honors from Oklahoma State University where she double-majored in strategic communications and psychology.

Ryan Riggins Creative Director
Ryan Riggins
Ryan Riggins Creative Director

Ryan Riggins

Ryan Riggins

Creative Director

Doubling as a design nerd and social media junkie, Ryan Riggins has a passion for all things print and pixel. He uses his love for design to help our clients bring their messages to life visually. Ryan spreads this love to his other passion, soccer, by offering his talents to the MLS Austin supporter’s group, Austin Anthem. Ryan is INK’s resident videographer and photographer, creating work in these mediums for clients like CORT Furniture and 365 by Whole Foods Market. Born and raised on the West Coast, Ryan attended Azusa Pacific University. He headed to Austin with a desire to be in a creative city filled with unique people and a job to spend his days practicing the craft he loves.

Austin Community

INK is a corporate sponsor for the Austin chapter of Friends of the Children, a nationwide organization that breaks the cycle of generational poverty by pairing children with a long-term professional mentor. We support other local organizations such as Austin Parks Foundation, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas, Austin Diaper Bank, and Foundation Communities. And we are proud to have INKers leading our local PRSA chapter and mentoring at Capital Factory.