Thought Leadership Strategy

Thought Leadership Dos and Don’ts

By Kersa Haughey

Between AI-powered search engines favoring thought leadership and growing distrust in brands’ intentions and messaging, the value of thought leadership is continuing to grow. Download our list of dos and don’ts to create an effective thought leadership strategy and ensure your spokespeople are confident in every opportunity. 

Your expert spokespeople are one of the most valuable tools in an integrated communications program. Thought leadership builds trust with your target audiences, increases the authenticity and credibility of your brand, and drives business growth.  

But nowadays, anyone with a LinkedIn profile or a Medium account can share their industry insights and challenge conventional takes. To truly make use of the value your thought leaders provide, you must prepare your spokespeople to be effective in the role: 

Thought leaders should have original insights that build on their unique expertise, and they shouldn’t speak for the sake of it, without providing value. In the same vein, they should balance their proactive and reactive stances to maximize media traction, but they shouldn’t be afraid to take contrarian stances.