Social Issues Management Worksheet
To determine how aligned a brand is to an issue, we take clients through a set of issues management questions. From there, we determine what type of actions our clients may need to take and build out scenario-based engagement plans. Being prepared is key to responding quickly and protecting your reputation.
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The Secret to Fintech Media Relations Is Simpler Than You Think
Earning fintech media coverage and building relationships requires a steady news pipeline, paid partnerships, and thought leader access. Learn how to strike the right balance.
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Insurtech Journalists You Should Know
The reporters you'll want on your insurtech pitch lists.
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The BTB: September Energy Media Trends Analysis
See our proprietary analysis of media trends driving energy conversations this month.
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Energy Communications Landscape: Insights to Close the Year Strong
Take a beat and look with the advantage of hindsight at what we’ve seen and experienced so far this year. Now is the time to adjust to stay ahead of the curve and keep our energy comms programs effective.
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