Wed, 05 Apr 2023 18:05:42 +0000
[18:05:42] Composing titles...
[18:05:42] Composing excerpts...
[18:05:42] Composing duplicate indicators...
[18:05:42] Composing slugs...
[18:05:42] Composing menu order...
[18:05:42] Composing contents...
[18:05:42] Composing dates...
[18:05:42] Composing custom parameters...
[18:05:42] Composing URLs for attachments files...
[18:05:42] Composing post comments...
[18:05:42] Composing unique keys...
[18:05:42] Processing posts...
[18:05:42] Data parsing via add-ons...
[18:05:42] ---
[18:05:42] Record #1
[18:05:42] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[18:05:42] Combine all data for post `Amy Hanson`...
[18:05:42] Find corresponding article among database for post `Amy Hanson`...
[18:05:42] Duplicate post was found for post `Amy Hanson`...
[18:05:42] Preserve date of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve status of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve content of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve title of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve slug of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve excerpt of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve menu order of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve post parent of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve post type of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve comment status of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve ping status of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Preserve post author of already existing article for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Amy Hanson`
[18:05:42] UPDATING `Amy Hanson` `Team Bio`
[18:05:43] Associate post `Amy Hanson` with current import ...
[18:05:43] CUSTOM FIELDS:
[18:05:43] - Custom field blank_headshot has been deleted for `Amy Hanson` attempted to `update only these Custom Fields: blank_headshot, leave the rest alone` setting ...
[18:05:43] - ACTION: pmxi_custom_field
[18:05:43] - Custom field `blank_headshot` will be updated with value `https://inkcards.local/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/amy-hanson.jpg` for post `Amy Hanson` ...
[18:05:43] - ACTION: pmxi_update_post_meta
[18:05:43] IMAGES:
[18:05:43] UPDATED `Amy Hanson` `Team Bio` (ID: 4395)
[18:05:43] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[18:05:43] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[18:05:43] Cleaning temporary data...